Pharmacy Daily
Deep fried water
Tuesday | Sep 13 2016Burgers, chips, pickles and even Mars Bars have been deep fried in the never-ending human quest for disgusting cuisine - but this one really tops the lot.An American (where else) chef has come up with a way to deep fry water, suspending it in a “gelatinous membrane” which he then coats in flour, egg and breadcrumbs.Jonathan Marcus then suspended the mixture in hot peanut oil at around 200°C before it was ready to eat.However there wasn’t a lot of point, with Marcus describing the outcome as “the blandest” thing he had ever fried.This demonstration video also warns viewers not to try this at home, because “if water leaks out while the sphere is frying in hot oil, it may explode sending scalding oil everywhere”.
9 year old foot archer nails target
Monday | Sep 12 2016AS IF being a nine-year-old contortionist wasn’t impressive enough, one talented youngster decided to show off another of her unusual skills.The Pennsylvania girl who performs under the name stage name of BoBella, posted a video online of herself shooting a bow and arrow with her feet to pop balloons all whilst balancing on her hands.She’s freakishly accurate and only narrowly misses one shot.
Hair Dresser Uses Fire And Swords
Wednesday | Dec 9 2015Swords, rings, fire… Alberto Olmedo has a unique method of cutting hair in his Madrid shop.